Friday photos

Yesterday I went rock wall climbing at the amazing Toronto Climbing Academy with the group from TROOP. It was so much fun, and instead of relying on hydraulics like in the past, we learned how to belay! As usual, I reached a certain height and then anxiety took over and my heart started racing and I had to come down, in spite of being physically able to get higher. One of the leaders from our trip, who is also an experienced rock-wall-climber (I wonder if there is an official title for that?) kept encouraging me to “take one more step” and it really helped, but I still never made it to the top. I think if I had a whole day to work on it with him (or someone like him-calm and encouraging and experienced-unlike Adam who just laughs at me and my fear of a perfectly safe thing that little kids can do, since he climbed some silly mountain in Africa!) I could have done it. Also, yesterday was more for the kids than me, so I only tried 3 climbs. Zoë loves it though, so I am sure to get more practice soon. Here is a picture, not so flattering, except my left calf, which looks awesome!

Last night I went to my niece’s birthday party. I hit Old Navy clearance and lucked out when I found this dress. Usually nice things in my  size are hard to find on clearance but this was an xs. There are always lots of xs (and xxl) left on clearance. I eye-balled it and thought it might fit, and it did. I guess it was cut badly since I am 100% not an xs, not even with vanity sizing, but that was my gain. I did my eyes in coordinating shades of shimmery yellow.



Yesterday afternoon I took some time for yoga. The first pic is scorpion, I finally held my feet off the wall long enough to catch it. The last picture is a variation of side crow I have been working hard on.






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